Home Learning
Spring Term 2021
WOW, so many of us working hard – well done!
Miss Brack has loved seeing some of our class family having fun in the snow.
So far the boys are in the lead! There are still 3 days for the girls to catch up!
Take a look at this excellent work from another lovely girl from our class family!
Here is some fantastic Egyptian hieroglyphics and science work! Keep up it!
What a great way to start the half term! It’s great to see Alice K using our new Reading Plus program and Lewis M has been working so hard completing some fabulous Maths, English and Science work.
Home Learning 2020
Matthew W has worked his socks off and practising his reading, spelling and lots of maths skills! Fabulous work!
Sam has picked some wild strawberries from his garden and eat them with some delicious home made vanilla ice cream! He has also completed his writing to explain to Boris Johnston why we need to protect our environment. Well done Sam!
Emily has been working her socks off at home! Here are some examples of her fabulous work!
Emily has enjoyed her weekly visit to her grandad’s allotment. She even spotted a baby toad which she names Tony!
Matthew S has been practising using his rhetorical questions and exclamation marks by writing an email to Boris Johnson – well done!
William has been working his socks off practising his 3 times tables. He has included his maths learning into his exercise by walking up and down the stairs as well as playing spelling hangman! Well done Will!
Our class family have been very busy this week!
Matthew S has completed some great writing about the Great Wall of China!
Great Wall of China by Matthew Storey
Aaron has enjoyed the lovely weather by taking a dip in the river at Finchale Abbey with his dad where he found some treasure! He has also been busy completing some of his home learning tasks – well done!
Emily has enjoyed the sunshine by visiting Easington beach and getting wet in the garden to cool off! She has also enjoyed completing her own science experiments by creating an erupting volcano – how exciting!
Here is some more fabulous work from Matthew S. Can you guess his character? He also created an audio podcast to tell us about a lion’s habitat!
Emily is also working hard on her spellings and inverse operations. She has also enjoyed getting lots of fresh air by going on on walks with her family too.
William has been working hard, completing some great home learning jobs inside and outside of the house! He has also enjoyed going for walks with his family.
Miss Brack is still making sure she is keeping fit and getting lots of fresh air! Here is a picture she took at the weekend when she was out on her walk. I wonder what the rest of our class family are getting up to….
It’s great to see our class family working so hard! Aaron has been learning about the Great Wall of China and completed a great drawing to represent God’s love and forgiveness after reading the Prodigal Son. Matthew S has been working hard on his spellings and got a super score! Emily M has also been completing lots of home learning jobs and went for a walk down Castle Eden Dene and spotted a huge snail and a ‘Thank You NHS’ fairy model. Keep it up everyone!
Look at this amazing work from Leila! She has mastered column subtraction and showed great resilience! She has completed some fabulous English work and completed some lovely writing about the Great Wall of China! Leila enjoyed learning some Punjabi Bhangra dancing and has shown she is so caring by completing her Great Wall of Friendship and Family – well done!
Matthew S has been working hard on his maths work this week!
Miss Brack has received some brilliant videos of some of our class family members completing home learning tasks. Sadly, she is unable to upload them to the website but can’t wait to share them with you all when it is safe. Emily M has created a great vlog of places she would like to visit in Asia, and Matthew W has created a moving picture! Wow!
Matthew W has been working his socks off!
Aaron has been working super hard. Look at this amazing drawing of a Chinese dragon!
Anna is a fabulous baker! Look at this delicious cake she has made all on her own!
Matthew S has created a brilliant piece of art work based on the story of the Prodigal Son for his RE home learning job this week – well done!
Emily has been working her socks off! Here is her fabulous art work based on Joan Miro and her poster about Spain. She has also been practicing her math and spellings and busy completing her RE work about the Prodigal Son.
William has enjoyed some time at the beach and playing scrabble with his family! He has also created his own creature called Jone using the style of the artist Joan Miro. William’s creature Jone lives in ‘the sharp, grey mountains’. Miss Brack is so impressed with Will’s computing skills as he used them to create an online poster about Spain – well done!
Cody has been working his socks off during his time at home! He has completed some super subtraction calculations, was kind to himself and wrote an acrostic poem using his name and about VE Day. Before we needed to spend a lot of time at home, Cody created a song about positivity and kindness with his dad and wanted to share it with our class family. Miss Brack was so impressed!
Matthew S has been working hard and found out about Florence Nightingale, produced some writing about Pokémon, thought about what our conscience is and even created a voice recording to tell us all about the country Spain! Have a listen to see if you can find out anything new!
Well done Matthew!
It’s great to see what you are all getting up to and Miss Brack loves hearing from you – it really brightens up her day. You are all superstars! Keep up the fabulous work!
It’s great to see Emily working hard and practising her maths, spellings and grammar – well done!
Cody has been working hard and produced some great RE work. His prayer is beautiful – well done Cody!
Leila is enjoying our famous artists theme and completed some fantastic work! She has created some beautiful artwork based on the Tilled Fields, learnt about surrealism and created some more of her own art work to show how she is feeling. Leila is a super mathematician and completed her calculations and got them all correct! Fabulous work Leila!
On his walk earlier today, Matthew discovered a newton and a giant spider. Miss Brack is glad she is no where near the spider – it’s huge!
Matthew has had a very productive day! He has completed his PSHE work and created his own art work to represent how he is feeling. He has also been working super hard focusing on his place value of 3-digit numbers and even helped his big brother to complete his school project!
Emily has been a super scientist and a marvellous mathematician this week! She carried out her experiment to find the best waterproof material as well as completing some great maths work.
Matthew has been working his socks off! He has been practising his spellings and maths skills as well as completing some art and history work based on the work of Joan Miro as well as completing his science experiment. Well Done!
William has some exciting news! His little sister was born and he was so excited to share a photograph with us all – congratulations!
Matthew has created some fabulous work about our famous artist Joan Miro and completed the Ripple Effect science experiment from our Kindness week!
Emily has been working hard creating some lovely art work based on the work of Joan Miro, practising her spellings, grammar and maths skills!
Matthew has been learning about the country Spain which is where our famous artist Joan Miro was born! He has also made the most of this lovely weather we’re having and enjoyed a trip to the beach as well as create a cosy den in the shade!
Sam has created a PowerPoint about our famous artist Joan Miro. He has used some great effects which we can share when we are together again!
Miley and Joshua have butterflies! They worked together to set them free – well done!
Before half term, Emily created another Power Point to show her learning about Pentecost, worked really hard on her timetables, spellings and completed her ‘Ripple Effect’ experiment.
Matthew has been really busy at home! He has been going on walks with his family and even created a ‘Stay Safe’ stone and placed it in their favourite walking place. He also took his dog to the beach and couldn’t resist a dip in the sea – brrrr! Whilst using a metal detector in his garden, he discovered some interesting objects – wow, how exciting!
Matthew has also joined in with his brother’s home learning and created a parachute! Matthew and Miss Brack can’t wait to share the video with the rest of our class family.
Emily was kind to herself today by thinking about what makes her so special and created her acrostic poem. She has also been busy practising her spellings, times tables and adding her hundreds, tens and ones! Well done!
William has not only been busy practising his French, reading and multiplication skills, he has also been really busy helping prepare for his baby sister to arrive.
William has created a kindness potion and a poster, designed and created a medal for a Key Worker and was even kind to himself! Great work William! Remember, it is so important to be kind to ourselves as well as to each other. This can be tricky, even for adults!
Aaron has completed some online spelling and grammar tasks as well as using a step-by-step guide on YouTube to help him draw his chosen Key Worker. Fabulous art work Aaron!
Joshua and Miley have been working together to complete some amazing real life learning! They have become scientists whilst working with their very own Chrysalis from their ‘Grow Your Own Butterfly’ kit. Wow! I’m sure our class family can’t see to see more photographs!
Aaron has been working really hard on his number bonds to 1000 and learning about Florence Nightingale. Great work Aaron!
Anna has enjoyed spending time baking and completing some arts and crafts. Look at this amazing rainbow cake – it looks delicious! She was very proud that she completed the whole process by herself. It’s great to see you taking your maths skills and using them in real life learning! Anna and her family enjoyed celebrating VE Day together!
Emily has enjoyed getting some fresh air by going for a walk down Hawthorne Dene!
Brilliant maths work from Phoebe – absolute superstar!
William has created a fantastic hospital ward using Lego to remember the amazing key workers! Wow!
Some more amazing PowerPoints made by Leila and Sam – keep up the fantastic work! Seeing your photographs of you all working so hard really makes me smile!
Leila has been practising her number bonds to 1000 – well done!
Joshua has been enjoying the fresh air while helping out at his grandad’s farm!
William has also been learning about Florence Nightingale. Here are some interesting facts! Well done!
Emily is also a PowerPoint making machine! She loves making PowerPoints so much so she has made another one about Florence Nightingale.
Florence Nightingale by Emily M
Emily spent the morning working her socks off to complete her home learning jobs so gave herself a well deserved break by making a pizza for lunch! Great spelling scores!
Phoebe was super happy today after beating her personal best! Keep up the great resilience!
Emily has created a Power Point about Key Workers and even told us about her cousin who is a policewoman!
Keyworker Power Point by Emily M
Aaron has been working so hard to practise his number bonds! He has taken great care with his work to make sure it was his best! Keep it up Aaron!
Phoebe has made a great start at practising her number bonds! It’s great to hear Phoebe has also set herself a target to beat her personal best tomorrow – well done!
Emily enjoyed celebrating VE Day with her family! She baked quiche with her sister Jessica and had fun in the pool.
William has enjoyed helping dismantle unwanted furniture, completing some bubble print art although William loved blowing the bubble too much so no bubbles actually made it to the paper and look at that beautiful hand print blossom tree!
Emily was so proud of her work! She has completed her RE home learning task, a VE Day poem and even created her own maths snap game using UNO!
Sam is making most of the lovely weather by painting a new coop for his hens! Sam and his family also discovered a blackbird nest in their hedge – how exciting!
Gracie helped her mam collect tadpoles for her mam’s nursery school! Wow!
Joshua has spent some time in the garden planting hot chillies with his sister – it looks like you’re having lots of fun!
Here is some more fabulous VE Day acrostic poems and party menu from Phoebe and Aaron!
Leila has been super busy and experimented making play doh, created her own drum kit, created a power point about Ancient Greece, created a reading den, created a model of a hot air balloon and even completed her maths and RE home learning activities!
Emily has been working hard planning her VE Day party on Friday and enjoyed going on a bike ride in Haswell!
William has created a lovely VE Day acrostic poem and even created his own cash machine! He has also been continuing working hard on his maths!
There is a new battle on Times Table Rockstars – Teachers Vs Students! Teachers have began competing – Can you beat us? To give it a try, click ‘Play’ and ‘Garage’.
A beautiful acrostic poem by Gracie!
Look what Gracie has discovered Castle Eden Dene!
I wonder where the fairy door could lead to…
William didn’t only just create his own VE Day party menu, he has also created some pasties for the whole family! William has also worked hard to completing some addition and subtracting calculations as well as mastering his times tables! He has also learnt how to play the game checkers!
Our class family have been working their socks off! It’s great to see so many of you taking pride in your work! Here are some examples of work from Emily who has completed some beautiful writing, great maths work and even some cooking! Aaron was super proud of his RE work and wanted to share this with us! He is also pushing himself to master those tricky 8 times tables! Sam has also been working super hard finishing his home learning tasks – well done!
Phoebe achieved 100% in her Maths Factor challenge – superstar!
Matthew has been very busy at home and wanted to share this with our class family! He has been enjoying going on lots of walks, camping in his garden, playing in his swimming pool, making a shield and even cooking!
Phoebe has had lots of fun exploring in Castle Eden Dene, playing with orbeez, baking delicious banana bread (Miss Brack’s favourite!), and even completed a book review using similes, expanded noun phrases and adverbs! Phoebe also created her very own marble run – how amazing! We can hopefully share the video with our class family soon!
William has been very busy building forts, tie dying, painting, cooking , finding out about his family history and even completing his very own science experiments – WOW!
William has been busy helping his mam and dad prepare for his little sister arriving – how exciting! He has also focused on some positive thinking and used some lovely vocabulary in his writing. Well done!
Aaron has completed a fantastic diary entry to describe what happened during Pentecost – Well done!
Emily has also enjoyed taking part in PE with Joe, and also created a fabulous model of Hogwarts Castle and Hagrid’s hut.
Leila has also enjoyed experimenting with slime and even created a Powerpoint to show you her exercises after taking part in PE with Joe Wicks. Why not have a go!
It’s so lovely seeing you have lots of fun at home! William also sent Miss Brack a video of himself playing his very own drums and she was so impressed! Unfortunately, Miss Brack could not get the video uploaded. Hopefully we can share this video with our class family when we go back to school!
William’s brilliant RE work!
William and Emily have been learning about fractions – well done!
Look what Miss Brack found on her daily walk! This is a lovely reminder for us all to stay safe and stay positive!
Emily has created 3 of her very own riddles. Miss Brack has had a go at trying to solve them. She thinks the answers are :
- A clown fish
- Hamster
- A car
What do you think?
Look at this cosy reading den and a drum kit made from pots, pans and boxes!
Leila has been keeping fit and healthy by joining in with PE with Joe Wicks and has enjoyed writing riddles this week. Here are her examples of a tiger and the ocean!
Gracie has also used her computing skills to create a Powerpoint about Ancient Greece. Wow! Great idea to use our skills from computing and use them in history too!
Ancient Greece by Gracie Greener (1)
Aaron has completed some fantastic history, art and science home learning! Well done!
This member of our class has been keeping busy by doing other fun activities like riding her bike, painting and even baking as well as doing some fabulous school work!
Here are some more pictures of our class family to make us smile! Miss Brack definitely smiled after seeing some brilliant riddles, synonym spotting and terrific time telling! What else have you been up to? We would love to know!
Emily M has been super busy! She has created a Powerpoint presentation all about Ancient Greece. Take a look!
Look at this brilliant work from Sam!
Wow! Fantastic work by some of our members in our class family! Keep up the great work!