The school funding formula is generated to include financial provision to specifically support pupil’s individual special needs.
This funding is prioritised to tailor learning in order to ensure small steps of progress are continually made by all SEND learners.
Our notional budget for SEND has been allocated to providing specific 1:1 and small group support in areas such as: intensive interactions, improving social and communication skills, phonics support and any additional academic support.
At Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, for those pupils with high needs, Costed Provision Maps are created with detailed evidence of supporting resources provided in school. This builds a portfolio of the progress each child makes and additional ’top-up’ funding and financial support can be applied for from the Local Authority.
Detailed assessments and target tracking ensure that all learners achieve and make progress at Our Lady of Lourdes.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.