Staying Safe
Keeping Active
Monday to Friday log on with Joe Wicks – The Body Coach. He will be broadcasting daily PE lesson style workouts at 9.00am
Click the image above to take you straight to the site.
Here are some other handy ideas for keeping active at home and to aim for your 60 minutes of activity each day!
During School closure, remember to keep your skills sharp in Mathematics!
White Rose Maths are offering 5 free maths lesson per week to support your learning. This is broken down for each year group.
Click here to take you to White Rose Maths
The Maths Factor – Carol Vorderman’s site has been made free to parents whilst schools are closed. Suitable for 4-11 year olds.
At the minute we have free access to Numbots for our Reception children. The older children already have access to Times Tables RockStars so it is nice to finally have something for the youngest children in the school.
If you would like to have a go and play Numbots, send me an email and I will send you your log in details.
English – Phonics and Reading
Monster Phonics is providing free access to all online resources whilst schools are closed. To access simply log-in using
Username: login
Password: homelearning
Phonics Play also have free access to their games and resources
Username: march20
Password: home
Mr Mac is adding daily phonics lessons to his YouTube channel.
You can access them using this link:
Oxford Owls have lots of free reading books which can be read from a tablet.
Collins have released free access to their reading scheme books online- they’re really good quality and follow book bands which most schools use.
As a rough guide:
Reception- pink/red/yellow/light blue
Y1- light blue/green/orange/turquoise
Y2- turquoise/purple/gold/white/lime
click the picture to take you to the site
RE Tasks
CAFOD have provided some lovely resources to complete during school closures.
Please click the link to open the resource.
Loudato Si Colouring Activity
Children’s Easter Card Template
Romero Cross Family Activity
Romero Cross Colouring Activity