During the school closure, please keep checking here for any updates, activity ideas and tasks.
Staying Safe
Keeping Active
Monday to Friday log on with Joe Wicks – The Body Coach. He will be broadcasting daily PE lesson style workouts at 9.00am
Click the image above to take you straight to the site.
Here are some other handy ideas for keeping active at home and to aim for your 60 minutes of activity each day!
During School closure, remember to keep your skills sharp in Mathematics!
White Rose Maths are offering 5 free maths lesson per week to support your learning. This is broken down for each year group.
Click here to take you to White Rose Maths
The Maths Factor
Children can sign up free during school closure to support their continued learning at home.
Please click on the link to visit the website
Click here to visit themathsfactor
Sumdog Years 2-6
Children can sign up for a free Sumdog account. When they log in they have six maths games to chose from. These games will allow children to develop the essential skills they need to work on in Maths.
To support mathematics Gareth Metcalfe from http://www.iseemaths.com/ will be broadcasting daily lessons for KS2 from 9am.
Maths Frame
Children can access free maths games and printable worksheets to practice their skills further.
Please click on the link to visit the website
Story Writing
For great ideas to help with imagination and story writing you could visit these sites.
Pobble 365
The Literacy Shed
Super Sentence Work
Children can download this app and create some exciting sentences and explore the different sentence types.
Click here for more information
Visit the Spelling Frame website to practice Year 3/4 spelling. There are lots of free interactive games.
Simple Science
Some fun ideas and activities you could try at home.
Please click on the link to find out more.
Colourful Sweet Sensations
Playful Playdough
Click on the following link to check out activities based on our diverse planet and fun, family science packs.
Northumbrian Water Group have some fun learning linked to water available to access including some information and activities linked to the water cycle.
working with schools to explore
Why not try out some art tutorials such as the one below to develop different techniques.
Follow the link below to Learn about famous artists and explore different techniques and mediums. Follow along and explore the different masterpieces and create your own artistic interpretations!
Creative Computing
Children can log in to ScratchJr online to create stories and games and then share them with others.
Please click the link for more information
Use the link below to try some entertaining, educational quiz games for children to test and improve your geographical knowledge.
Use the link below to discover a range of geography resources to download and enjoy!
History Project
Exploring History- Museum VR Tours
Follow the link to discover free virtual tours of world museums, educational sites and galleries.
Click here to explore virtual adventures
You can also use the resources on this website to discover lots of facts about the history of Teesside.
RE Tasks
CAFOD have provided some lovely resources to complete during school closures.
Please click the link to open the resource.
Loudato Si Colouring Activity
Children’s Easter Card Template
Romero Cross Family Activity
Romero Cross Colouring Activity
Language Lessons
Use this fantastic FREE website or download the App to brush up on your French skills or to begin learning another language.