First Sunday of Advent
The Hope Candle
1st Sunday of Advent: Youth Ministry Team 23-24 – YouTube
Family Fast Day
CAFOD: Family Fast Day is on Friday 6th October. We are invited to join together with our parish, family and friends around the world to offer prayers and support for those who are less fortunate than ourselves and provide funds to help the most vulnerable to have access to the medical care they need to survive increasingly challenging circumstances.
During October each class will have a shiny box in their classroom and we will be collecting loose change. We ask that if you have any spare coins, however big or small, that the children bring them in and add them to their class boxes – any donations would be gratefully received. At the end of October we will then add our money together and send it to CAFOD in aid of Family Fast Appeal. Together our small donations can make a big difference.
For more information please visit Family Fast Day (
Dear God,
We thank you for giving us your peace.
Help us to be peacemakers at home and at school
by loving and caring for one another.
Help us to be peacemakers by listening to one another,
even when we don’t agree.
Help us to be peacemakers by sharing our time
with those who are lonely and who need a friend.
Help us to be peacemakers by thinking and praying
for children who have no food or
who are frightened and live in fear.
Let us pray every day for peace
for our families, for our friends
and for ourselves.
Let us pray for peace throughout your world.
We have been delighted to welcome Fr. Peter into our school and parish family. He has made such an impact upon us all with his kind and caring manner and his willingness to visit and get to know our children. Fr. Peter told us many interesting stories about the country where he was born, Myanmar, and also stories about the many struggles that families and children have there. In discussion with Fr. Peter we thought about what we as a school could do to help children back in his country. Our Prayer Leaders had a meeting back in February and decided that they would like to sell biscuits each week to raise money for the children of Myanmar- a project they have named Children2Children. Our school kitchen, each week has baked delicious biscuits which parents have bought each Friday at the end of the school day. So far we have raised over £300 for the children of Myanmar, Fr Peter is delighted and told us that £300 is more than most adults would earn in 1 year in Myanmar . We are very proud of our children for taking a leading role in the organisation of the fundraising for this wonderful cause- it really is a brilliant example of Catholic Social Teaching in action. A huge thank you to all within our community who continue to support this fundraiser and to our cooks who make the biscuits each week.
Class 3 children led parents in a beautiful liturgical prayer focusing on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. The were reverent and respectful as they shared the message of how Jesus kept his promise to send his special friend and the power that the Holy Spirit instantly had upon the disciples. The children eloquently shared their mission with their parents and invited parents to go forth and use their gifts from the Holy Spirit to do good for those in our school and wider community.
Thank you Year 3.
Please follow the link to access the parents section of the website for the Wednesday Word. Here you will find useful information about weekly Gospel’s, links to videos and other information. Additionally, there is an option to access an area for children to explore.
Children will continue to bring a paper copy of the Wednesday Word home each week but we thought it may be useful to share the website with you for anyone who is interested in exploring it a little more.
Our wonderful Mini Vinnies children enjoyed taking the time to write letters to the most isolated and vulnerable members of our parish. Within the letters, the children reminded those in our Parish family just how much they are loved and remembered in our prayers h day. We are sure these letters will be very well received and appreciated.
Don’t forget to read the March Newsletter to catch up on some important dates and upcoming events!
© 2025 Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust.