Class 4 Holy Week presentation.
Class 4 Holy Week presentation.
Friday afternoon was all about board and card games. The class enjoyed taking part in Scrabble, Ludo, Uno, Go Fish, Chinese Checkers and Pick Up Sticks. We had great fun and learned some new games.
Class 4 enjoyed taking part in team building exercises during our first week after lockdown. One person gave instructions, while the rest of the team had to draw what was described. It involved using listening skills and communication.
As part of our RE topic, we learned about Christingle and made our very own.
Children got creative, designing their own Christmas-themed headbands to complete the Santa Dash around the yard. There were even a few red noses, moustaches and beards to complete the look. Well done everyone for joining in some festive, healthy fun.
It was all go in Class 4 on Tuesday. Half of the class started making their Light boxes, while the other half investigated making different switches to turn the light in their boxes on and off.
To help celebrate Maths Week, today children in Class 4 completed a mini-beast hunt. We completed a tally chart to record the numbers of each mini-beast found. Using this data, we completed a bar graph.
Class 4 took part in a liturgy to celebrate the end of their R.E. topic, People. Through the topic, we learned about our own family trees and the family of Jesus. Abraham was the first of Jesus’s descendants in the bible. We also found out about Jacob, Ruth, Solomon and Joseph.
Year 4 have been investigating switches in Science. We had to make sure the circuit was complete for the switch to work.
Class 4 enjoyed a digital meet the author event, sponsored by Seven Stories and First Class Supply. Josh Lacey has just released his new book, Hope Jones Saves the World and he shared extracts from this story. The class also heard about some of Josh’s other books and had the opportunity to ask Josh some questions. We are also reading this great book in class.Watch out for our book reviews once we are finished.
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