The boys and girls enjoyed a visit from the PDSA charity and took part in a work shop. They now know how to communicate with dogs! I’m sure they’ll be able to tell you all about it!
The boys and girls enjoyed a visit from the PDSA charity and took part in a work shop. They now know how to communicate with dogs! I’m sure they’ll be able to tell you all about it!
We are enjoying learning about Fair a Trade. Today, we thought about reasons for and against buying a Fair Trade Products before having a class debate. We are going to use these points in our persuasive letters next week!
Miss Brack could not believe how grown up we all were during our debate. We all respected each other’s views and listened carefully to everyone.
Well done Class3!
Class 3 have created actions to The Gloria to represent how we can give Glory to God. Here are some of our photographs.
Class 3 were so excited to find out we were learning how to play tennis in PE! They enjoyed practising the ‘ready’ position with their partner!
we enjoyed going outside to learn colours in French! We drew pictures on our school yard and then enjoyed playing a game afterwards!
We have begun our new RE topic by discussing the importance of listening and sharing. We worked in pairs to tell each other a story and mark our partner on how well they did! We then brainstormed our ideas!
We have been learning how to divide 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers using counters! Everyone showed great resillience!
In PSHE, we have been focusing on the skill of listening to each other and working collaboratively together. Each group was given 1 hoop, 1 cone and 1 ball to create a game! We then shared our games with other groups.
Wow! What an exciting day! Class 3 enjoyed learning about how the Ancient Egyptians mummified bodies! We acted out the steps and even mummified some of our friends! Our morning was full of team work, fun, laughter and learning!
Class 3 enjoyed sharing their fact files with Class 2 to teach them all about the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids!
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